Document Work (MLA)

Document Work (MLA)

To me, MLA format was always a struggle to understand. It within itself is not complicated and is only a way of formatting information, but for some reason for me it was difficult to grasp. Remembering the difference between writing the sources for articles and books never seemed to be important information to me. This year in English 110, the importance of proper citing became clear as it was explained to me as a way to give proper credit to those who’s ideas I am borrowing. In this paper, I did the best I had ever done in regards to my sources. They were cited as accurately as I was able to do using the Little Seagull to help guide me through the process.

The following is an example of an in text citation and a citation from the The Birth of Outsiders in Modern Education.

In Text: 

“when students compose a school-based literacy narrative, they invoke cultural narratives” (Alexander, 614)


Alexander, Kara. “Victims, and Prodigies: “Master” and “Little” Cultural Narratives in the
Literacy Narrative Genre.” College Composition and Communication, Vol. 62, No. 4,
June 2011, pp. 608-633.

The Birth of Outsiders in Modern Education
