Draft Conclusion, Project 3

Draft Conclusion, Project 3


-Though with reading, many people tend to find themselves in the outsider characteristic when they struggled with learning how to read.

-Based off of their direct relationship here, it can be expected that there would be some similarities between outsider narratives which stem from either reading or writing.

-One of the cultures which is popular in outsider narratives is that of being placed in special programs to assist those who struggle with literacy.

  1. yes my paper does add to the scholarly articles. I go deeper into what causes people to resort to outsider narratives rather than what outsider narratives are overall.
  2. You could reference how a difficulty in reading and writing could swing into other narrative types possibly in the success narrative. This could open research into the effects the school systems methods of teaching English change student perspectives.
  3. some limitations to this are that we do not know if there were any other factors that made some of these students outsiders. There may have been other factors unknown to the reader. Another is that how else can the school system change to accommodate the feelings of these students? There is only so much they can do.

Conclusion Draft

Modern school systems run try their best to accommodate for all students, yet there are still some who find themselves feeling different than other students, especially when it comes to deficiencies in literacy. Starting at a young age, students think of themselves as outcasts when they are not as good at reading and writing as their peers. This feeling of being foreign in a place where you are anything but that is only further enforced when these students are made to do special work within special programs, furthering the divide between them and the average student. To this topic I am adding to outsider narratives written by students tend to stem from their difficulty in learning literacy and the events which caused them to feel separated from the class. Though with this evidence comes limitations as you can not solely blame literacy for the problems these students have. There may be issues with factors in the home environment as well as other undisclosed variables. Another limitation is that there is only so much the school systems can do to help students without making them feel like they are different than other students. It is a balancing game of helping students learn and encouraging them that they aren’t “different”.

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